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A child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, not to be confused with ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder) may seem to have an inability sit still. They generally lack social skills, but they may have a high IQ and be very bright. However, they have trouble demonstrating their intelligence since they are unable to concentrate on school work or any type of work that doesn't interest them. ADHD and ADD are often confused with laziness. They are very different things, but may appear similar. I have ADD, and it is not just difficult, but impossible to keep my mind on something that doesn't interest me when I'm not on my medecine. However, when I take my medicine, I become a workaholic. However, I lose my creativity, and it is hard to have fun or have a casual conversation with someone. -DJ Craig

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Q: What exactly is child ADHD?
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What are the symptoms of ADHD in a child?

Some symptoms of ADHD in a child include hyperactivity and trouble concentrating. Some children are thought to have a hot temper while they in fact have ADHD.

Can you receive money for your child if your child is ADHD?

No, ADHD is not considered a severe disability and thus does not qualify for additional child support amounts or government assistance.

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Yes and no. For me (I'm ADHD) it does, some it makes hyper.

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When he was a child

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You can find a tutor at They offer tutoring for ADHD children.

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How are ADHD patients rehabilitated?

Recovery and rehabilitation are not terms that apply to ADHD. Rather, a child with ADHD can be assisted to an optimum functionality. Assistance can take the form of special education.

Can a child get ADHD if a parent used PCP before getting pregnant?

No; the past consumption of drugs is not related to a child being born with ADHD. However, people with ADHD have higher rate of drug abuse (believed to be related to a lack of impulse control).

Can ADHD be passed on to your child?

Yes, the mother can pass on the DNA code for ADHD/ADD through breast feeding and childbirth