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Experiences during childhood, such as exposure to trauma or positive reinforcement, can shape personality according to Freud's stages. Social interactions and relationships with caregivers during the early stages of development can impact one's ability to form trust and develop a sense of self according to Erikson's theory.

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Q: What experience could have influenced you to be the person that you are now of Freud and Erickson stages of development?
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What is the growth of the mind known as?

The growth of the mind is known as cognitive development. It refers to the gradual development of a person's ability to think, learn, and process information as they age. Cognitive development is influenced by both genetic factors and environmental experiences.

What does developmental trajectories mean?

Developmental trajectories refer to the pattern of changes or growth that individuals follow over time in a particular aspect of development, such as cognitive, emotional, or social development. These trajectories can vary from person to person and are influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and experiential factors. Understanding developmental trajectories can help researchers and practitioners predict and promote optimal development in individuals.

What is personality development and public relation?

Personality development refers to the process of enhancing one's behavior, attitudes, and characteristics to become a more confident and well-rounded individual. Public relations, on the other hand, involves managing the communication and relationships between an organization and its various stakeholders, including the public, media, and customers, to build a positive image and reputation.

What is your thought of cognitive development?

Cognitive development refers to the growth and maturation of a person's thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills over time. It is influenced by a combination of genetic factors, experiences, and environmental influences. Cognitive development plays a critical role in shaping how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them.

A person's ability to quickly reason increases into early adulthood and fades in late adulthood. This is an example of how development is?

multidirectional -apex

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