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Q: What extracts minerals from the ground?
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Related questions

What minerals are used in toothpaste?

hydro chloric acid food extracts and calcium and flavouring =p

What do minerals help grow?

They help plant extracts to be extracted, or if you swallow them they help your immune system out :)

How can minerals form above ground do to what?

The minerals from above ground can cause cycles. This is very important.

Treats illnesses with small doses of specially prepared plant extracts and minerals?

Homeopathic physicians treat illnesses with small does of specially prepared plant extracts and minerals. These physicians believe that performing this type of health treatment will increase the body's own natural defenses for fighting off an illness.

Where do minerals came from?

The ground

How do you get minerals out of the ground?

You mine them.

How do evaporate minerals form?

The water contains minerals when it rains and leaves the minerals on the ground when its evaporated

What minerals are found in computer?

the ground

How are minerals are taken out of the ground?


What is the extracting minerals from the ground?


What is to extract minerals from the ground?


Why did the first miners in the Colorado mountains not find any minerals?

The first miners in the Colorado mountains may not have found any minerals because they were not skilled or experienced in prospecting techniques. Additionally, they may have been looking in the wrong places or at the wrong depth. Without the proper knowledge and tools, it can be difficult to locate valuable mineral deposits.