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There are many factors that can stop cell growth. One of them is cancer. Also, an infection or a blood clot can stop cell growth.

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Q: What factors can stop cell growth?
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How do you kill marsh grass?

Complete elimination of the grass in your yard is impossible, but it is possible to control the spread of marsh grass to prevent its growth in the future. The easiest method to get rid of marsh grass is to use an herbicide. In addition, marsh grass needs sunlight to grow, so blocking the sunlight in any way will inhibit its growth and spread. If necessary, the grass can also be dug out and uprooted to stop growth. Because marsh grass thrives in wet and soggy areas, keeping soil warm and dry will help prevent the growth of marsh grass. Also, if cattle are nearby, cattle will eat marsh grass and control its growth and spread.

What were the contributions factors to the death of Iceman?

By all accounts, it was an arrow wound that did him in and that forced him to stop and seek shelter behind a rock. The night frost was probably enough to let him freeze to death.

How do you throw people off the cell in WWE smackdown vs raw 2011 psp?

To throw someone off the top of the Cell in a Hell In A Cell Match, you must do the following: 1. Climb to the top of the cell 2. Once your opponenet is up, if they are near the edge, just light grapple them and they should be thrown off. 3. If your opponent moves away from the edge before you can throw them off, whip them to the edge of the cell. They will stop and teeter on the edge. Just light grapple them when this happens.

Who sang stop stop stop do ya want your love or not?

stop stop stop do you want my love or not thing thing thing you now igot so much at stake, THIS SONG IS BY SYSTEM AND ITS CALLED DON'T STOP.

Who said Hey hey hey hey stop it stop it?

Nanki said Hey hey hey stop it stop it on the way back from Michigan!

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Kinases and growth factors control what in the cell cycle?

Growth factors allow the cells to rapidly divide once they are anchored to a surface. Once the cells use up all of the growth factor (or they start to bump into each other) they will stop diving. Kinase is a regulatory protein that aids in the "stop" and "go" portion of the cell cycle.

What protein that initiates cell division?

Growth Factors.

What are the two limiting factors to cell growth?

food and space

Are growth factors local regulators that are produced by the anterior pituitary?

No. Growth factors are local regulators that bind to cell-surface receptors and stimulate growth and development of target cells.

What control when and how fast cell grow and divide?

Simple growth factors.

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growth factors!

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Factors that affect cell division, that is if cells divide or not, can be categorized into internal factors, growth factors and external factors. For more information it is best to study literature on the subject.

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The cell-cycle control operates independently from growth factors.

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Activation of the host cell by cytokines, growth factors, or antigens

What are the factors that control the cell growth and division?

the factors that influence cell division is the leading contrary that helps the cell division. one factor is the growth of the cell that is being divided. another factor is the size and shape of the cell. a cell can be a nerve cell or a muscle cell which rarely divides.