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Precipitation. Not enough precipitation falls on the ground that would allow trees to establish themselves successfully. Also, the rain that does fall tends to be evaporated into the atmosphere almost immediately, never really able to get deep into the soil. Plants that have fibrous root systems at the surface take advantage of this, and are able to thrive where trees would die.

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Q: What factors prevent trees from overrunning grasslands?
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When would you use a factor tree?

Factor trees are useful when you need to see the factors of a number. It is sometimes easier to see everything spread out.

A man planted 5 rows of trees 4 trees how many trees did he plant?

He planted 10 trees in the shape of a 5 pointed star.If there were 5 trees in a row then 5 x 4 gives you the answer.

How many gallons of water do trees transpire per day?

On an average an acre of corn transpires- 3000-4000 gallons a day and a tree can transpire 40000 gallons per year, amounting to approximately 110 gallons a day. Transpiration varies for different types of plants and trees. There are various factors that effect transpiration like weather, type of tree, wind, humidity etc.

Emilio has 8 450 trees to plant in rows on his tree farm he will plant 125 trees per row how many full rows of trees will he have explain?

He will plant 67 rows. 68 rows at 125 a row would be more than 8450.

How many different combinations of trees could you buy if your local garden centre has only four cedar trees and three apple trees in stock The answer is 19 Why?

Assuming that all the cedar trees are the same and that the three apple trees are the same, and it doesn't matter which of the apple trees you purchase, then you have the following options: CCCCAAA, CCCCAA, CCCCA, CCCC, CCCAAA, CCCAA, CCCA, CCC, CCAAA, CCAA, CCA, CC, CAAA, CAA, CA, C, AAA, AA or A. This is 19 possibilities. Because the problem says that you buy trees, the null set (i.e., not buying anyting) is not as option.

Related questions

Why do grasslands have few large trees?

fires drought and grazing prevent the growth of trees and shrubs

What trees are found in temperate grasslands?

traffula trees

What is a zebras shelter in the grasslands?

A zebra lives under the trees and in the grass of the grasslands

What are the trees that grow in grasslands?


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What are the characteristics of savannas?

grasslands with some trees

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Differences between savanna grasslands?

Forests have densely packed trees. Savanna are open grasslands. While a forest may of course have some clearings and a savanna may have some trees the primary difference is density.

Why do giraffes live in grasslands?

Giraffes live in grasslands because this habitat has tall trees. The giraffes need the tall trees to eat the leaves from. Also the trees need to tall because of their long necks.

What abiotic things are in grasslands?

flowers,plantsand trees.

Does the savanna grasslands have tall grass?

Yes, savanna grasslands have tall grasses but there are also areas with trees and shrubs.

Why do grasslands have few trees?

Grasslands do not have many large trees for multiple reasons first of all there is a low moisture level in grasslands for trees to grow, but if a river or stream runs through a grassland trees may grow around it. Also there are no warm times in grasslands it goes from hot right to cold, there is little to no time where trees can grow in a warm climate there. Another reason is that grazing of animals prevents trees and shrubs to grow because they are either trampled or eaten by the animals grazing there. One more way is that if a grassland has a fire it will burn the trees that grew and kill and trees that are trying to sprout.