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Q: What facts might katniss use to justify why it was a good idea to go to the feast?
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Yes they can and do. However, celebration of the feast is usually limited to only certain parishes or areas that might have a devotion to that particular person. It is not a universal feast.

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Well, her first appearance in the book, in the arena, was before Katniss blew up the supplies. Foxface did "dance moves" to avoid the bombs planted in the ground, hinting to Katniss about what was going on. After Katniss blew up the supplies, she returned and laughed over the pile of ash, knowing she might actually win. She was able to find a knife blade, and a pot. Then, Foxface was seen at the feast, running out of the cornucopia, grabbing her district bag, and running into the woods. Foxface's last appearance was her death, when she followed Katniss and Peeta and ate the nightlock Peeta had gathered.

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Katniss was worrrying because her and Gale had a really close relationship, and Gale maybe even liked her a little.

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Katniss thinks Foxface might make a good ally because she is sneaky and very smart. Ultimately, she ends up deciding against it because she thinks Foxface might not be very trustworthy.

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if katniss shoots cato to kill him, cato will take peeta with him into the mutts below. in response to this, peeta has katniss shoot cato's hand. You might be talking about why Cato hates Katniss if so its because Katniss and Peeta took the croward away from them when they road in on their charriots at the begining when Katniss gets her name "The girl on fire"