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Julia Louis-Dreyfus

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Q: What famous actor is an heir to a family fortune?
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How do you use the word heir in a sentence?

As heir to the estate, he was now a very rich man.As the queen's son, he was heir to the throne.Robert's position as his mother's only heir will leave him well off financially when the estate is settled.My son is my heir, and he will inherit everything when I die.

What is a good sentence for the word heir?

Alex was the heir to her parents' great fortune when they died.

Heir to a toilet flush valve fortune?

Kelly Sloan

Sentences with the word heir in it?

The family heirloom had been passed down for so many generations that it had become an antique.

What is the antonym of heir?

An heir is one who inherits. An antonym is disinheriteded. Here is an example in a sentence: John is sole heir to his father's fortune, John's older brother Joe is disinherited.

What does heir to heir mean in a will?

"Heir to heir" in a will means that a person is designated as the beneficiary or inheritor of assets who, in turn, designates another person as their beneficiary or inheritor. It establishes a succession plan for the assets to pass from one designated person to another.

Where jp Morgan fortune went?

John Adams Morgan is the current heir to the JP Morgan fortune. His current company is: Morgan, Joseph & Co.

Why was Mary Draper famous?

she was famous because she helped the colonists by melting down all of her family heir-looms(air looms)she also helped the Patriots by providing food and treating the wounded

Is actor William h macy heir to macy department stores?


What do you call a person who receives a fortune?

A person who inherits fortune is called a heir or executor of the will. If the person receives this fortune as a matter of chance, fluke or circumstances for example winning a lottery then Lucky will do just fine.

Did Henry IV have an heir?

The famous Henry V.

Can the deceased will Heir Property to anyone who is not and heir?

The testator can will property to anyone they wish. There is no requirement that their family get the assets.