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J.J. Thomson is famous for his experiments that led to the discovery of the electron in 1897, which revolutionized our understanding of atomic structure. His work with cathode rays in a vacuum tube allowed him to determine the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron.

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Q: What famous experiment did J.J thomas conduct?
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The experiment that J.J. Thomson conducted was called the Cathode Ray Tube experiment, also known as the Plum Pudding Model experiment, which ultimately led to the discovery of the electron in 1897.

What piece of equipment did JJ Thomson use in his atomic theory experiment?

JJ Thomson used a cathode ray tube in his atomic theory experiment, known as the cathode ray experiment. By observing the behavior of cathode rays in the tube, he was able to discover the existence of electrons and propose the plum pudding model of the atom.

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Who performed an experiment with cathode ray tubes?

J. J. ThomsonJ. J. Thomson did the cathode ray experiment where he discovered the existence of electrons.

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What is a famous quote by jj Thomson?

could anything at first sight seem more impractical

Atom theory JJ thomas?

J.J. Thomson's atom theory, proposed in the late 19th century, centered around the idea that atoms were composed of smaller subatomic particles. His famous experiment with the cathode ray tube led to the discovery of the electron, a negatively charged particle within the atom. This theory revolutionized the scientific understanding of atomic structure and laid the foundation for further research into the field of particle physics.