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Mountains, volcanoes, rift valleys. Commonly associated with eartquakes. The landform depends on the type of boundary: converging, diverging, transform.

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Q: What features are common near the boundaries of the earth's crustal plates?
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Why are mountains and earthquakes two geologic features found on earths surface that are caused by the movement of crustal plates?

They are geologic features because when the crustal plates move its makes cracks on earth the the mountains are one because everytime the crustal plates move it breaks the earths surface and the dirt and rocks start gathering together

How common is uranium in the earths crust?

Crustal rocks: 2-3 ppm Sea water: cca. 3,3 ppb

Are major crustal features like earthquakes volcanoes mountains and trenches found randomly on earths surface or is there a pattern?

There is a pattern. Mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes are found predominantly near plate boundaries. Trenches are found expluxively at subduction zones.

What change earth surface?

Convection currents beneath the tectonic plates of the crustal surface of the earth provide heat from the core in circular motions, and make plate boundaries move together from compressional forces at convergent boundaries, apart from tensional forces at divergent boundaries, and side by side from shear force at transform boundaries.

What is Crustal Uplift?

it is concept of earths crust is gravitational balance or equilibrium.

What is the main component on the earths surface?

Oxygen is the largest component of crustal rock.

What are the types of boundaries found along the edges of earths plates?

convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, transform boundaries and plate boundaries

How do convection currents affect atmosphere?

convection currents distribute the warm air from the equator towards the north and south pole; they also make the earths crust move causing the earth's crustal features change.

Large scale folding of the earths crust may be caused by what?

the collision of sub-crustal plates :)

What is the boundary between earths plates called?

Plate boundaries.

Earthquake foci can be used to mark the boundaries of what earth features?

Earthquake foci can be used to mark the earths plate boundaries . The movement along the plate boundary causes the earthquake. Knowing where the foci is can help predict future earthquakes in that scientists can monitor the area for shifts in the plates.

What percent of the Earths plate boundaries are transform faults?

69 % of earths plate boundaries are tranform faults. Researcher Kazeem Adalekan found tehe most accurate way to measure this in 2010.