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The property is the amplitude, which corresponds to loudness for a sound wave or brightness for a light wave.

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6d ago

The intensity or amplitude of light corresponds to loudness in sound. Just like how a louder sound is produced by greater amplitude of sound waves, a brighter light is produced by a greater intensity of light waves.

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Q: What features of light corresponds to loudness in sound?
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What is the characteristic of a sound wave that corresponds to loudness?

The bigger the troughs of the sound wave and height of the wave corresponds to the loudness the higher the wave the louder the sound.

What is brightness as sound is to light?

Loudness is to brightness as sound is to light.

How could you use amplitude in a sentence?

There are many methods of measuring the amplitude of sound waves.Amplitude corresponds to the loudness of the sound.

How can the loudness of a sound be determined by the waves?

The loudness of a sound is determined by the amplitude of the sound waves. Greater amplitude corresponds to a higher loudness. The intensity of the sound wave is directly related to the amplitude of the wave, so louder sounds have higher amplitudes.

What differences will you hear in a sound if there is increase in the amplitude?

The amplitude of a sound corresponds to its loudness so an increase in amplitude will correspond to a louder sound.

Which increases if the amplitude of a sound wave increases?

The amplitude of a sound corresponds to its loudness so an increase in amplitude will correspond to a louder sound.

What does amplitude determine in light?

Amplitude of light waves determines the brightness or intensity of light. A larger amplitude corresponds to a brighter light, while a smaller amplitude indicates dimmer light.

Which of the following properties of sound is the most similar to the brightness of light?

The pitch of sound is most similar to the brightness of light. Just like brightness represents the intensity of light, pitch represents the perceived frequency of sound. A higher pitch corresponds to a higher frequency, similar to how brighter light appears more intense.

What is the physical dimension of light and sound that determines brightness and loudness?

The physical dimension that determines the brightness of light is intensity, measured in units like watts per square meter. For sound, the physical dimension that determines loudness is amplitude, measured in units like decibels. Both intensity and amplitude correlate with the perceived brightness or loudness of light and sound, respectively.

Do decibels have light waves and sound waves?

The term decibel is a unit of measurement of the loudness of sound. It has nothing to do with light, which is measured in lumens.

Is volumen to sound is the most similar to the brightness of light?

Yes, volume in sound is similar to brightness in light in that they both quantify the intensity or strength of the respective stimuli. Increasing the volume of sound results in a louder sound, while increasing the brightness of light results in a more intense light. Both volume and brightness are perceived based on the strength of the stimuli.

Which wave characteristic is affected by the loudness or the intensity of sound?

Amplitude. (In the particle theory of light, brightness is determined by the number of photons).