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Q: What fertilizers will help lima bean plants grow faster?
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Related questions

How fertilizers can be helpful to farming?

They make plants grow bigger and faster.

Do worms affect bean plants?

yes, with worms, a bean plant will grow faster and taller

Does rain or tap water help bean plants grow faster?

if a bean plant has any kind of water it will grow

Why do many fertilizers have a high nitrogen content?

because plants love nitrogen! it makes them grow faster.

How do farmers use fertilizers to help their crop yield?

They spread them on the fields where it feeds the plants and make them grow bigger/faster.

Can a pinto bean grow in pepsi soda?

yes, the ingredients in soda has a affect on plants, it will make them grow faster and fuller.

Can a bean grow faster in sugary water compared to normal water?

yes a bean will grow faster in sugary water

Does Green bean grow faster than red bean?


Do all plants grow with a bean?

sometimes it depents on the bean

Does an indoor bean plant or outdoor bean plant grow faster?

It always grows faster in the outside

Is nitrogen an element that helps plants grow?

yes it helps the plants to grow thats why it is used in fertilizers

Do bean seeds grow faster than other seeds?

yes because they grow faster