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A number of films dealt with this topic, hardly entertaining. the obvious answer is The Grapes of Wrath, which starred Henry Fonda. There was also a picture called Spencer"s Mountain which also featured Mr. Fonda and was believed to have been the prototype of(the Waltons) That"s the serious side. It may be argued that The Beverly Hillbillies was a comedic take-off on (grapes) and many kids in my High School English class saw the obvious paralells. (Jed and Joad) Beat up truck, mixture of old timers(Grannie) and young"Uns and California migration- Beverly Hillbilllies was in a sense a (Tragedy Inversion) of a very grave novel. ( Grannie died in Grapes, e.g.)

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"The Homecoming: A Christmas Story" (1971). Stars Patricia Neal, Richard Thomas, Edgar Bergen, Ellen Corby, Cleavon Little, William Windom, Andrew Duggan. This is the pilot film for the television series "The Waltons". It's the only Waltons story filmed on location with real snow. Some of the cast is different from the series and the house is different.

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The Grapes of Wrath? (:

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Q: What film told the plight of a poor mountain family during the days of the Depression?
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What film told the plight of a poor mountain family during the day of depression?

The film you are asking about may be 'The Grapes of Wrath', starring Henry Fonda. The movie is a classic, and a really good one.

The plight of American farmers during the depression was magnified by?

a. devastating droughts and dust storms throughout the 1930s.

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John Steinbeck grew up during the Great Depression and was sympathetic to the plight of the poor and wrote about their many experiences during those trying times .

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"The Grapes of Wrath" symbolizes the plight of the Joad family and their struggles during the Great Depression. It represents their journey for survival, hope, and dignity as they face hardship, displacement, and injustice. The grapes symbolize both the exploitation of workers and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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Many factors contribute to the plight of farmers including weather, insect populations, and seed pricing. The pricing of other commodities including fertilizer and gasoline can also contribute to the plight of farmers.

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"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck explores the struggles of the Joad family during the Great Depression, highlighting the plight of migrant farm workers and the injustices they faced. The novel sheds light on economic disparities, social injustice, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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