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Q: What films did Demi Moore star in?
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Will Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore ever star in the same movie?

It's definitely possible, as Ashton Kutcher continues to produce and star in movies through his latest venture, Katalyst Films.

Who shaved her head to star in GI Jane?

Demi Moore

Which star married a man 15 years her junior in 2005?

Demi Moore.

Who set to star alongside Josh Harnett in Thriller Buraku?

Demi Moore

What movies did Bruce Willis and Demi Moore star in together?

Mortal Thoughts

Who did Demi Moore marry?

Demi Moore married to from Marriage to Freddy Moore Demi Moore married to Freddy Moore from 1981 to 1985 Demi Moore married to Bruce Willis from 1987 to 2000 Demi Moore married to Ashton Kutcher from 2005 to 2013

Is Demi Moore single?

No, Demi Moore is not single.

How many James bond films did roger Moore not star in?

Only counting the 24 proper canon Bond films starting at Dr. No and running up through Spectre, Moore did NOT star in 17 of them.

Which actress married the star of Die Hard?

Demi Moore, but in 2000 they got divorced.

What star was born on November 11 1962 in Roswell New Mexico?

Demi Moore

What was the name of the male star in the movie with demi Moore named ghost?

Patrick Swayze.

Which movie star appeared in General Hospital form 1981 to 1983?

Demi Moore