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The smaller the wood the quicker it will catch fire. This is because the wood will heat up quicker. Unike in a larger peice of wood the heat has to spread all over it before it can catch fire. There are less exposed paticles in a smaller peice and less particles together! The smaller the wood the quicker it will catch fire. This is because the wood will heat up quicker. Unike in a larger peice of wood the heat has to spread all over it before it can catch fire. There are less exposed paticles in a smaller peice and less particles together!

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1w ago

A fire with small pieces of wood will burn faster than one with large pieces. This is because small pieces have more surface area exposed to oxygen, which leads to quicker combustion. Additionally, smaller pieces ignite more easily due to their increased surface-to-volume ratio.

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11y ago

A Small Piece of Wood burns faster as when a substance burns , it reacts with Oxygen , resulting the process of Combustion.

When we talk about a small piece, it burns faster as it gives more surface area to flame , thus a small piece of wood burns faster as compared to a large one ..

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Q: What fire will burn faster one with small pieces of wood or one with large pieces?
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How do you make a piece of paper disappear?

One way to make a piece of paper disappear is by tearing it up into small pieces or shredding it. Alternatively, you could also burn the paper until it turns to ash. Remember to dispose of the remnants properly and responsibly.

What is the burning speed of wood?

The burning speed of wood can vary depending on the type of wood and its density, but generally ranges from 0.1 to 0.8 inches per minute. Thinner pieces of wood tend to burn faster than thicker pieces. Factors such as moisture content and oxygen supply can also influence the burning speed.

How does a unscented candle burn faster than a scented one?

Unscented candles typically burn faster than scented ones because scented candles contain additives, such as oils and fragrances, that can affect the burning process. These additives can make the scented candle burn more slowly to release the fragrance gradually, whereas unscented candles don't have these additives and burn more quickly.

Why does a unscented candle burn faster then a scented candle?

Unscented candles typically burn faster than scented candles because the absence of fragrance oils in unscented candles allows them to consume the wax at a quicker rate. Scented candles contain extra additives like fragrance oils which can slow down the burning process by requiring more heat to vaporize the fragrance.

What makes a white candle burn faster than a colored one?

White candles typically burn faster than colored candles due to the absence of dyes and pigments in the wax. The colorants used in colored candles can affect the burning process by altering the composition of the wax, which can slow down the burning rate.

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