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By and because

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Q: What five clue words indicate cause and effect are being used?
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What words or phrases indicate a cause and effect relationship?

Prepositions such as so, therefore, thereby, consequently, and others. If/then phrases are also based on cause and effect.

Other words for cause and effect?

cause - reason effect - result, outcome

What what words are used to show cause and effect?

Words used to show cause and effect include "because," "since," "as a result," "thus," "therefore," and "consequently." These words help link the reason for an action or event (cause) to the result or outcome that follows (effect).

What transition words indicates a cause and effect?


What is a sentence using the words cause and effect?

"The FDA sought to show a cause and effect relationship between smoking and cancer."(separately)"The cause of the crash was unknown, but the effect was a tremendous traffic jam."

Which words or phrase indicates a cause and effect relationship?


What clue words follow cause and effect?

As a resuLt .. Because :)

Which of these words or phrases indicates a cause/effect relationship?

for this reason

Are the words a cause or an effect ROB FORGOT TO STOP AT THE GAS STATION?


Is cause and effect and verb or adjective?

In the term 'cause and effect', the words 'cause' and 'effect' are nouns, joined by the conjunction 'and'; they are singular, common, abstract nouns.The term 'cause and effect' can be used as a compound subject of a sentence or clause and the compound object of a verb or a preposition. Examples:The cause and effect are obvious in retrospect.You must consider the cause and effect before you decide to act.The word cause is also a verb: cause, causes, causing, caused.The word effect is also a verb: effect, effects, effecting, effected.

How can you use the words cause and effect to explain the 3rd newton law?

When you push the boat at the back, you get pushed forward. This is cause and effect to explain 3rd Newton law.

What is the effect of quotation?

Quotation marks are used to indicate that the enclosed words are either a direct quote from someone or to signify a specific term or phrase. They help to set off the quoted material from the rest of the text and show that those words are being referenced rather than originating from the current writer.