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the indian flag

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Why do we have a Phiipppine flag?

Any national flag is a symbol of national sovereignty

Country without national flag?

There is no country without a national flag.

Which national flag is the oldest flag?

Denmark's flag.

When was the national flag of Canada adopted?

Canada got it's national flag in 1965. Canada got it's national flag in 1965.

How many stars on the national flag for Bahrain?

There are no stars on the national flag of Bahrain.

Who was design national flag?

The national flag of Pakistan was designed by Amiruddin Kidwai

When was National Flag Square created?

National Flag Square was created in 2007.

What does the white colour signify in your national flag?

White colour in our national flag signifies Peace. We Indians are peace lovers. We love and respect our national flag.

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