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Hydrogen used to be used in airships.

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Q: What flammable gas used to be used in airships?
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What element is used in airships that is dangerous?

Hydrogen was once used to fill airships. Quite dangerous due to how flammable it is.

What element was once used to fill airships?

Hydrogen was the gas that was once used to filled airships. It is extremely plentiful and easy to produce. However, it is also extremely flammable and caused a few accidents. Helium is now used.

Why don't they use hydrogen gas in airships nowadays?

Hydrogen gas is highly flammable and poses a significant safety risk. Therefore, helium gas is commonly used in airships today as it is non-flammable and safer. Additionally, helium has a higher lifting capacity compared to hydrogen, which allows for better control and stability of the airship.

Why airships today safer than in the past?

because hydrogen used to be in those airships and since hydrogen is flammable it was very dangerous

Why is it bad to use hydrogen in airships?

Using hydrogen in airships is considered dangerous because hydrogen is highly flammable and can lead to explosions if exposed to air. This risk was famously demonstrated by the Hindenburg disaster in 1937, where an airship filled with hydrogen caught fire and crashed. As a result, helium is now the preferred gas for use in airships due to its non-flammable nature.

What are two differences between the good blimps of today and the airships Hindenburg?

Today's blimps are not filled with flammable hydrogen gas like Hindenburg was, but normally the non-flammable helium.

What do airships run on?

Airships typically run on one of two things: helium or hot air. Helium is a non-flammable gas that provides lift for the airship. Hot air is used in hot air balloons to provide lift by heating the air inside the balloon.

Why is hydrogen not used for aiships?

Hydrogen isn't used for airships because it is highly flammable. It was one of the causes of the Hindenburg's burning.

What are airships used for?

Airships were often used to carry freight and passengers. But became unpopular after the advent of jets and other types of aircraft because they are slow. Initially they used fuel which made them highly flammable when accidents occured.

What did hydrogen used to be used for?

The only answer that comes to mind is "Airships". Hydrogen, the lightest element, was used in airships, where excess weight was undesirable. However, accidents like the Hindenburg disaster showed that Hydrogen gas was too dangerous(it is extremely flammable) to be used. Since then, Helium has been used instead. Helium is also a very light element, and is completely safe, as it is inert.

What were the early uses of hydrogen?

Hydrogen was used for balloons and airships(zeplins) because it is the lightest gas, but highly flammable, so now we use helium because it is very safe. Hope this helped xxx

What gas do you use in airships today?

In their early history, buoyant airships (zepellins, blimps) were filled with hydrogen, a highly flammable gas. Since the Hindenburg disaster, hydrogen has been supplanted by helium, a much more expensive material, but one that is inert and hence much safer.