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Sprite and sport drink

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Q: What fluids can you drink to stop runny tummy?
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Adult cicadas do not eat solid foods but they do drink fluids to stop them from getting dehydrated.

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Stop eating.

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What is important about fatigue?

it can be caused by dehydration or lose in electrolytes or simply being sick. to stop fatigue, drink lots of fluids, eat healthy and get rest.

Why do you have runny poop?

Stop drinking Red Bull and Gravy!

What is good to stop tummy aches?

water and grapefruit

How do you measure the viscosity of a liquid?

you can measure it by dropping a lead ball into the liquid while timing it with a stop watch if it is runny then it is more viscous and when it is thick and not runny it is less viscous.

Can you mix aceaminophen and pseudoephedrine to stop a runny nose?

Pseudoephedrine is for stuffy nose not runny nose. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is for runny nose. Both can be taken with acetaminophen. You can check this by looking at the medicinal ingredients of various over-the-counter cold medications.

How hot does it have to be before you can stop working?

When you feel the need to rest or when you feel like you are getting very drained. But most employers give you about a half hour break and tell you to drink alot of fluids.

What can you do to make your tummy stop herting?

If the hurting is due to menstrual cramps, every one is a little different. However, for my ex-wife, a heating pad on her tummy helped. I you, too!