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Day, Month 00th: Cochin

00:00 p.m./a.m.: Times

Font inside the book: ITC Cushing

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Q: What font is used in the Clique Book?
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What font is used for the covers of the Clique books?

The font used for the covers of the Clique book series is "ITC Anna." Designed by Patricia Saunders, this font is known for its elegant and stylish appearance, which complements the overall aesthetic of the book covers.

What font is used to write the clique?

Times New Roman, probably.

What is the font used to write Massie Block's Current State of the Unions in the Clique books by Lisi Harrison?

The font used for Massie Block's "Current State of the Unions" in the Clique books by Lisi Harrison is called "Staccato222 BT." It is a distinctive italic font that is often associated with Massie's voice and style in the books.

What font is used in the book Brain Droppings?

The font used in the book "Brain Droppings" by George Carlin is typically a standard serif font like Times New Roman or Garamond. However, the exact font used in a book can vary depending on the publisher's preferences.

Is the New Clique book the last one?

The last clique book is Charmed and Dangerous.

What is the font used in the book Graceling by Kristin Cashore?

The font used in the book "Graceling" by Kristin Cashore is Sabon. It is a classic and widely-used serif typeface that is easy to read and elegant in appearance.

Who is the publisher of the first Clique book?

The Puplisher of the first Clique book is 17th Street Productions.

What font is fablehaven?

The font used for the Fablehaven book series is typically a custom-made font created by the book's designer or publisher. It is not a standard font that is available for general use.

What is the name of the font used on the cover of Fallen?

The font face used on the cover title of book for FALLEN is EREMAEUS

When did the first clique book come out?

The very first Clique Book came out on May 5, 2004.

What is the font used in the book The Pact by Jodi Picoult?

The font used in the book "The Pact" by Jodi Picoult is typically a standard serif font like Times New Roman or Garamond. The exact typeface and size can vary depending on the edition and publisher of the book.

What is the font used in ramona quimby and her father?

The font used in "Ramona Quimby and Her Father" is likely a standard book font like Times New Roman, Garamond, or Baskerville. These fonts are commonly used in book publishing due to their readability and versatility.