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bee delicacys as we could still synthesis honey artificaily

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Q: What food would disappear if bees went extinct?
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Why bees are so important to us?

Bees polinate crops and flowers so that we can live, if bees went extinct today, humans would only live for 5 years because we would have no food...

Why is the bee such a useful insect?

Bees are useful insects to humans despite their painful sting. Bees pollinate flowers as well as fruit and vegetables that are meant for human consumption. Bees also produce honey.

If gorillas became extinct what would happen?

If a gorilla is deprived of air,food or water it will soon die.

Why is the disappearance of bee's a problem?

Bees and plants have evolved together over the last 50 million years and they are quite interdependent. Bees get their food from the plants in the form of nectar and pollen, and in return the plants are pollinated by the bees. It has been estimated that some 80 per cent of all plants are insect pollinated, and that around 90 per cent of those plants are pollinated by bees. If the bees were to disappear this pollination would not take place, and without it the plants would not develop fruit and seeds for the next generation. Around one-third of all the food you eat is the result of the pollination of crops by bees. No bees, no food -- there would be widespread starvation. Add to that the number of flowers and other decorative plants that would die out and the world would be a far less beautiful place.

What would sea otters do if crabs were extinct?

They would also be extinct because if there is no crabs ( which is their food) they would die.

What is scarier an onslought of bees or the extinction of bees?

Extinction. It would mean the end of life as we know it. One out of every three mouthfuls of food depend directly on pollination by bees. Without them this food would not exist.

What would happen if phytoplankton or mosquitos went extinct?

If they went extinct the whole food chain would be out of balance.

What would happen if oysters went extinct?

It would effect the food chain and other marine life would become extinct

Why help endangered species?

Because if one animal species goes extinct, it affects the whole food chain. Take cows, if cows were endangered and went extinct because no one helped, would we have cow beef? Cow burgers? Nothing, they all would be gone and we would have to find a different food source. Bees are extinct, so not of allot of flowers are being pollinated, no bees, no plants!

Why it is important for an animal to have more than one source of food?

because a food source can become extinct and if the other organisms only food source becomes extinct the species would starve and become extinct and other species will become extinct as well.

What would happen to the food chain if the alligators disappear?

all the animal would die

What happens if bees die out?

Bees help pollinate around 70% of all the crops on the planet. If all the bees die and nothing rises to replace them (another type of insect, for example, or serious human intervention), many plants will simply die-off due to lack of pollination. If 70% of the plants on the planet die.Without bees, there would be no honey, but distinctively, certain plants would not be able to reproduce and would thus become extinct. In turn, this would lead to the disappearance of certain animal species.''If the bee became extinct, man would only survive a few years beyond it'', Einstein predicted...Answer:The death of all bees as a spectre raised by commercial bee keepers in reference to diseases like colony collapse disorder, a problem related to commercial raising of bees. In many peoples' minds (Einstein among them apparently, he was after al a mathematician not a biologist) bees are the only pollinator of plants in the world, specifically honeybees. There are many other insects which do this same role in nature - these include other types of bees, flys and insects.. It should be kept in mind that honeybees are not native to North America but were imported by early settlers (the same as earthworms). Prior to the introduction of honeybees North America had a diverse plant ecology. There is no reason to suspect that other pollinators would replace the bees if bees disappeared.