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There are some foods good for your heartburn such as fatty fish, whole grains, yogurt, fruits and vegetables. A good source of further information on your topic can be found at the following website:

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12y ago

it depends on who you are i would recommend asking your doctor

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Q: What food is good for heartburn?
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How can you use heartburn in a sentence?

If you eat too much of that spicy food you will get heartburn.

What are some good cooking techniques to use to avoid causing heartburn in the future?

You can avoid heartburn by lowering the amount of spicy products in your food. You can also buy some over the counter medication for heartburn, and take it right before you eat. Either of these things will help.

What are some food to avoid that can cause heartburn?

The best way to avoid heartburn is to eat healthy foods. Heartburn can be caused by fried, fatty, or greasy foods, and by thick, creamy dairy products. Eating baked or steamed food instead of fried food and lowfat milk products or soy milk products can cut down on heartburn from those sources. If the heartburn is instead a result of acid reflux, it would be good to avoid sodas, spicy foods, or acidic foods like oranges.

Should you avoid foods that cause heartburn?

Chicken,beef,and pork are one of the most recommended food for heartburn. When you suffer from heartburn, you to try to stay away from food with acid.

How does a heartburn remedy work?

Heartburn remedies work by lowering the amount of acid which is in your stomach, so that you can digest your food.

What is a good diet to follow to control heartburn? has a whole section for heartburn, which includes information about diets for minimizing heartburn.WebMD has a good list of foods that trigger heartburn, and you can extrapolate a diet based on that information.

Does mustard help with heartburn?

mustard is an alkaline food with weak acid (vinegar) high in minerals so it helps heartburn in 2 minutes

What are some of the foods that can cause heartburn?

Any food with a high acidic nature such as oranges and grapefruit with trigger heartburn. Tomatoes,garlic and onion are other culprits. For a full list check out

Can strong coffee cause heartburn?

Heartburn is experienced when acid from the stomach passes back into the food pipe causing irritation and pain. Coffee and many other foods increase acid secretion in the stomach, but this does not necessarily cause heartburn; although for some people it might. What is recommended is to be aware of the foods that cause this and avoid it.

My your boyfriend has been gettin heartburn real bad for the past month in a week why?

digestive problems.light and small meals for a start.chew food properly and think good

Is drinking milk good for heartburn?

Skimmed milk would certainly be helpful in this regard.

Is eating green chillies during pregnancy safe or not?

You can eat spicy food during pregnancy but in moderation. If you already have heartburn it will get much worse though.