

What food contains sea salt?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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14y ago

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haha, im eating pistashios that are made with real sea salt...

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Maybe peanuts?!?!?!?!?!?

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Q: What food contains sea salt?
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Does sea salt have iodine in it?

Yes. Sea salt contains iodine.

Is rock salt sea salt?

No it does not. But it contains NaCl.

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What are the elements in a sea salt compound?

Sea salt is generally made of sodium chloride which contains sodium and chlorine.

Does sea salt affect blood pressure?

No it is not. Salt is bad for your blood pressure because of the sodium it contains. Sea salt contains the same amount of sodium as normal table salt. If you have high blood pressure it will be better for you in the long run to get used to using less salt and not add salt to your food atall.

Can you use table salt to soak your cartiladge piercing in?

No, it contains iodine which is actually harmful to the wound. You must use sea salt (available at health food stores and most drug stores). The sea salt does not contain iodine and has a natural antiseptic and disinfectant in it.

Is sea salt healthy on salads?

Contrary to popular belief, sea salt contains as much sodium as table salt and is no more healthy or unhealthy.

Is the only salt that food contains is the salt you added?

Practically all the salt is added.

Does Mediterranean sea salt contains iodine?

Yes, mediterranean sea salt is obtained from evaporating sea water, which naturally contains iodine. Regular table salt is produced using a chemical process where they add iodine too it.

What can you smell in dominican?

You can smell sea food and the sea salt from the Carribean sea.

What mass of sea water do you need to make 1000g when the sea water contains 3 percent by mass?

Answer % questions by relating them to actual weights/heights etc. So, if sea water contains 3% salt by mass, then 1000gms of seawater contains 30gms of salt. and 3333gm of sea water makes 99.99 gms of salt. This is worked out by salt water weight x 3 divided by 100 (3%).

What foods are salt found in?

Every food in the world contains salt. So get used to it