

What forces cause acceleration?

Updated: 5/27/2024
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8y ago

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A layman's attempt: Any unbalanced force applied over time to an object that is free to move will bring about acceleration.

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2w ago

Acceleration occurs when an object experiences an unbalanced force acting upon it. This force can be due to gravity, friction, tension, or any other external force that is not canceled out by an opposing force. In other words, acceleration is the result of a net force acting on an object.

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What types of forces cause acceleration?

Forces such as gravity, friction, tension, and applied forces can cause acceleration in an object. When an unbalanced force acts on an object, it can cause the object to accelerate in the direction of the force.

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cause motion &+ cause positive acceleration . #

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Unbalanced forces cause acceleration.

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Balanced forces do not cause what?

Balanced forces do not cause changes in an object's motion or acceleration. When two forces are balanced, their magnitudes and directions cancel each other out, resulting in no net force acting on the object.

Why do balanced forces cause no acceleration?

Balanced forces cause no acceleration because they result in a net force of zero acting on an object. When the forces in opposite directions are equal in magnitude, they cancel each other out, leading to no change in the object's motion.

Forces that cause an objects velocity to change?

In all cases acceleration.

How do unbalanced forces affect objects?

An unbalanced force will cause acceleration in the direction of the force.

What can forces cause a change in?

A force causes an acceleration. That implies that it will change: * The velocity, and * The momentum.

What can forces cause changes in?

A force causes an acceleration. That implies that it will change: * The velocity, and * The momentum.

If forces are working in the same direction you what?

If forces are working in the same direction, they will result in a net force that is the sum of the individual forces. This will cause an acceleration in the direction of the combined forces.

Which forces cause a decrease in acceleration?

Friction and air resistance are two common forces that can cause a decrease in acceleration. Friction between surfaces can oppose motion, while air resistance acts against objects moving through the air, both reducing the net force acting on an object and therefore its acceleration.