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Q: What force causes venus to travel along a curved path instead of moving in a straight line as indicated by the dashed line in the diagram?
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Bones will not cause the arm to be in a straight position, instead, muscle and tendons will cause the arm to be straight.

Which of these causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earth's surface?

The Coriolis effect causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blowing straight across the Earth's surface. This effect is the result of the Earth's rotation and causes moving air or water to be deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

What causes currents to move in curved paths instead of straight lines?

Earth's rotation causes the water to move in a curve; this is a manifestation of The Coriolis force.

Which of these causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earths surface?

Coriolis effect

How the earth rotation affects the pattern of surface currents?

It causes the currents to move in curved paths instead of going in a straight line, which is known a the Coriolis effect.

How does the rotation of the earth influence wind?

The influence of earths rotation is called the Coriolis effect. The coriolis effect causes wind to curve instead of going in a straight line.

Causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earth's surface?

The warmth of the Sun creates temperature differences that change the direction of the wind.

What causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earth surface?

The warmth of the Sun creates temperature differences that change the direction of the wind.

What causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earth's surface?

The warmth of the Sun creates temperature differences that change the direction of the wind.

How does earths rotation influence the movement of global winds?

The influence of earths rotation is called the Coriolis effect. The coriolis effect causes wind to curve instead of going in a straight line.

How does the rotation of the earth influence the global wind?

The influence of earths rotation is called the Coriolis effect. The coriolis effect causes wind to curve instead of going in a straight line.

What causes prevailing winds to blow diagonally?

The Earth's rotation causes the Coriolis effect, which deflects air currents to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection results in winds blowing diagonally instead of in a straight line.