

Which force gives objects traction

Updated: 8/9/2023
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15y ago

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No force holds objects up.

Gravity causes objects to attract each other, which makes it look like objects fall to the earth.

Objects in orbit stay in orbit because their velocity tangential to the object they orbit is sufficient to cause their falling due to gravity to bend into a continuous free fall.

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15y ago

Traction is a combination of friction and the "normal" force of the weight due to gravity. If there was no gravity, you wouldn't have any traction. And obviously, if you are following James Bond's Aston Martin and he sprays oil on the road in front of you, then oil will reduce the friction and you won't have much traction. Which was why the villains always crashed.

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In physics, traction is friction between two objects that are touching. When a car in on ice, the coefficient of friction between the tires and the ice is very low. This is when the car is said to have "no traction." In reality it has some traction, just a relatively small amount of traction when compared to it's momentum. Traction is friction. Oh, and the centrifugal force doesn't exist. It's a fool's way of explaining centripetal force. Ask more tech/physics/math questions at in the "Ask a Ninja" section.

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