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Electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged particles. For example consider sodium chloride NaCl. If the compound were to be broken down into its ions it would look like Na+ and a Cl- the opposite charges attract and hold the individual ions together forming a crystal lattice, a solid.

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Q: What force holds together an ion in a salt?
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The force that holds a sodium ion and a chloride ion together in a crystal of NaCl comes from?

*the attractive force between opposite electrical charges

What are the two forces that hold an atom together?

A chemical bond is the force that holds two atoms together. May form an attraction of a positive ion for a negative ion or by sharing electrons.

What force holds a molecule of NaCl together in an ionic bond?

NaCl is an ionic compound, not a molecule. The positive sodium ion and the negative chloride ion are held together by an electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions.

Does salt contain a metal and a nonmetal?

Yes. Salt contains a metal ion and a nonmetal ion bonded together by an ionic bond.

Is Table salt is an example of a compound?

Yes, table salt is an example of an ionic compound between a sodium ion and chloride ion. The sodium ion has a positive charge while the cholride ion has a negative charge. These two ions come together to make table salt.

What type of chemical bonds are present in salt?

Salt crystals are held together with ionic bonds. For example, table salt, NaCl, is composed of two ions. The Na ion is positive and the Cl ion is negative. The charges on these ions hold them together into the molecule NaCl. You can think about this like magnets. The positive end is attracted to the negative end of another magnet. This holds the magnets together.

What is the metal present in potassium chloride?

It's NOT the metal as such but positive ion of the metal: Potassium, the K+ ion together with the negative chloride ion: Cl- they form the salt potassium chloride: KCl You see, it's always in the name of the salt

What would happen if a positively charged sodium ion and a negatively charged chlorine ion came in contact?

they would bond together forming salt

Is salt a salt?

Yes. Salt contains the positive ion Na+ and the negative ion Cl-. That means it is a salt.

Why will atoms join together?

Atoms join together to become more stable. For example, a lone Na+ (sodium ion) will bond with a lone Cl- (Chlorine Ion) to form the stable compound NaCl (table salt).

Is HBr an ion ion intermolecular force?

an ion

What holds two atoms together when one atom takes an electron from another atom?

The atom that gains the electron becomes a negatively charged ion and the atom that loses the electron becomes a positively charged ion. The electrostatic attraction between the two oppositely charged ions forms the ionic bond that holds them together.