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Q: What force is present at divergent bounderies?
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What force is present at divergent boundry?


What are diverging bounderies?

a divergent boundary is where two of earth plates are moving

What is it called when 2 plates move away each other?

divergent bounderies

What are three types of bounderies?

the three types of plate boundaries are : -convergent plate boundaries -divergent plate boundaries -transformed plate boundaries

The force tension at a divergent plate boundary causes a what?

The force that occurs at divergent boundaries is a convection force. This force allows material to rise to the base of the lithosphere beneath each divergent plate boundary.

Are volcanoes formed by divergent bounderies?

Some are. Most volcanoes on land are produced by convergent boundaries while others form over hot spots.

Ask us What force is present at a divergent boundary?

A divergent boundary are two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other, rather than into each other. This can cause rifts, valleys, and ocean ridges.

What force causes divergent boundaries?


What plate boundaries are where the crust forms?

new crust forms at divergint bounderies where plates move apart magma oozes up and cools down and creates new crust and the old crust moves away and sucks in the earth

What are the names of 3 specific tectonic plates?

Unsure but Alfred Wegener invented them/studies them so try looking him up.

What is it called when 2 plates move away from each other?

mid - ocean ridges, they're caused by divergent boundaries Rifts are also on land, such as the Great Rift Valley in Africa mid - ocean ridges, they're caused by divergent boundaries Rifts are also on land, such as the Great Rift Valley in Africa mid - ocean ridges, they're caused by divergent boundaries Rifts are also on land, such as the Great Rift Valley in Africa

What kind of force is illustrated in the given diagram of a divergent boundry?
