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The force required can be calculated using Newton's second law, which states that force (F) equals mass (m) multiplied by acceleration (a). Therefore, the force required would be 400 Newtons (50 kg * 8 m/s^2).

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Q: What force is required to give an object with mass 50 kg and acceleration of 8 ms2?
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What does a force applied to a stationary object give the object?

A force applied to a stationary object can give the object acceleration, causing it to move.

An unbalanced force of 30 N gives an object an acceleration of 5. What force would be needed to give it an acceleration of 1?

To calculate the force needed for a different acceleration, you can use Newton's second law, which states that force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma). If the object's mass remains constant, the force needed to give it an acceleration of 1 m/s^2 would be 5 N (F = 1 kg * 1 m/s^2).

What is need to give an object a greater acceleration?

To give an object a greater acceleration, you can either apply a greater force on the object or reduce its mass. Increasing the force acting on the object will accelerate it more, while reducing its mass will also result in a greater acceleration for the same force applied.

How do you find an objecets acceleration from its mass and force acting on it?

You can find an object's acceleration by dividing the force acting on it by its mass. The formula is: acceleration = force / mass. This will give you the acceleration of the object in the direction of the force.

How is a change in speed related to force and mass?

A change in speed is related to force and mass through Newton's second law of motion. The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that a greater force will result in a greater acceleration, while a greater mass will result in a slower acceleration for the same force.

Related questions

What does a force applied to a stationary object give the object?

A force applied to a stationary object can give the object acceleration, causing it to move.

An unbalanced force of 30 N gives an object an acceleration of 5. What force would be needed to give it an acceleration of 1?

To calculate the force needed for a different acceleration, you can use Newton's second law, which states that force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma). If the object's mass remains constant, the force needed to give it an acceleration of 1 m/s^2 would be 5 N (F = 1 kg * 1 m/s^2).

What is need to give an object a greater acceleration?

To give an object a greater acceleration, you can either apply a greater force on the object or reduce its mass. Increasing the force acting on the object will accelerate it more, while reducing its mass will also result in a greater acceleration for the same force applied.

How do you find an objecets acceleration from its mass and force acting on it?

You can find an object's acceleration by dividing the force acting on it by its mass. The formula is: acceleration = force / mass. This will give you the acceleration of the object in the direction of the force.

What will give an object greater force?

Greater acceleration, F=ma.

What is the way to calculate newton's of force?

Newton's second law of motion states that force (F) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by acceleration (a), as expressed by the formula F = ma. Therefore, to calculate Newtons of force, multiply the mass of an object by its acceleration.

How is change in speed related is force and mass?

Force equals mass times acceleration. To change a speed, you must apply some force (either positive or negative) to give the object some acceleration. How quickly the object's speed changes will correspond to the force given divided by the mass of the object. (ie, the acceleration)

What force is needed to give an 7900 kg truck an acceleration of 8.9 ms2?

The force required is 70,310 newtons.

What force needed to give 500 newtons this acceleration 3.00 plus 3 meters per second squared?

There is some confusion here. 500 newtons IS a force. You don't "give a force an acceleration". You can accelerate an object (which has a mass), but not a force.

How do you work out the movement of force?

Balance the force on all direction and after all cancellation, the remain force give the direction the object go. For matter of speed and acceleration, check it mass and find out the acceleration from force.

Determine the magnitude of the net force required to give a 4.52-kg object an acceleration of 1.50 meter per second?

F = M a = (4.52) x (1.5) = 6.78 newtons

How is a change in speed related to force and mass?

A change in speed is related to force and mass through Newton's second law of motion. The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that a greater force will result in a greater acceleration, while a greater mass will result in a slower acceleration for the same force.