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The force of gravity is very attractive, as it acts between all objects with mass, pulling them toward each other.

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What force in space is very attractive?

Gravity is the force in space that is very attractive. Gravity is responsible for pulling objects towards each other and is what keeps celestial bodies like planets, stars, and galaxies in orbit.

Which of the four fundamental forces of nature is responsible for keeping the earth in orbit about the sun?

The force responsible for keeping Earth in orbit around the Sun is the gravitational force. This force is generated by the mass of the Sun and the mass of the Earth, pulling them together in a mutual attraction.

What is the force of attractive force between particles in the nucleus?

The attractive force between particles in the nucleus is known as the strong nuclear force. It is responsible for holding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. This force is extremely strong but acts only over very short distances.

Which force is sometimes attractive and has an infinite range?

The force that is sometimes attractive and has an infinite range is the force of gravity. It acts between any two objects with mass and can extend over very large distances, such as between the Earth and the Moon.

What force pulls a attractive force?


Is gravity both an attractive and repelling force?

Gravity is an attractive force that pulls objects towards each other. It is not a repelling force.

Is gravity strictly an attractive force or is it magnetism where it can be attractive or repulsive?

Gravity is strictly an attractive force, meaning it always pulls objects towards each other. It differs from magnetism, which can be both attractive and repulsive depending on the orientation of the magnetic fields.

What attractive force is between two objects?

Gravitational force.

Two point charges are separated by 12cm the attractive force between them is 20N What is the attractive force when they are separated by 24cm?

The attractive force between two point charges decreases with the square of the distance between them. So, if the distance is doubled (from 12cm to 24cm), the force will decrease by a factor of 4. Therefore, at a separation of 24cm, the attractive force will be 5N.

Is Trina attractive?

very attractive

What is the difference between gravitational force and attractive force?

ATTRACTIVE FORCE is when you go to a casino and you have no change and you need to go to a change machine GRAVATATIONAL FORCE is when you go to blackpool and you dont go on the big one

Why must there be an attractive force to explain existence of stable nuclei?

An attractive force is necessary to explain the existence of stable nuclei because it overcomes the repulsive electrostatic forces between positively charged protons within the nucleus. This attractive force, known as the strong nuclear force, acts over very short distances and helps bind the protons and neutrons together to form stable nuclei. Without this force, the nucleus would not be able to stay together due to the repulsion between protons.