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Q: What force opposes the motion of your car when your step on the brake pedal?
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How do you use brake and break in a sentence?

As a result of the accident, the driver stepped on the brake pedal so hard that he had a some bones break in his foot.

What types of change in motion causes acceleration?

Motion is the change of position over time. The rate of change of position is called or speed. Speed combined with its direction is called velocity. The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration. So, motion in which the speed or direction are changing is accelerated motion. The question uses the word cause, which may be confusing. Technically when a force is applied to a mass, there is acceleration. When there is acceleration the velocity changes. If the object was in motion to begin with, it would speed up or slow down or change direction. If the object was at rest, the force would have caused an increase in speed from zero, so it would start moving. Therefore if you think of a causal relationship, it would be more proper to say force causes acceleration, which IS a change in motion. For an example, an easy one is your bicycle. If you pedal, you are applying force. That force cause the bicycle's speed to increase ... acceleration ... and you are in motion. If you apply more force, you will go faster. If you apply the brakes, you will slow down which is also acceleration (because speed is changing). There is only one way to have motion without acceleration and that is to travel at a constant velocity ... constant speed in a straight line. In practice, there is no motion without acceleration for any period of time, because there is always some minute change in speed or direction.

Why is friction useful for bike brakes?

The friction is useful on a bike when you push it.

Function and operation of rotor brake system?

With a rotor braking system there is a curved brace with lining that fits inside the wall of a round drum. When the brake pedal is pressed, hydraulic fluid goes through the line and makes the brace with the lining press against the side of the drum until the drum stops turning.

How does a balloon powered race car apply to Newton's laws of Motion?

A balloon rocket lab demonstrates one of Newton's Laws, because as Newton's Third Law states:"For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction."When the balloon rockets over the string, the air being released from the balloon is forcing against the air, and the air is producing an opposite and equal reaction, which pushes the balloon forward. The air being released from the balloon is pushing against the air, and the air is stopping the air coming out of the balloon, essentially propelling the balloon.That is how it demonstrates one of Newton's Laws (3rd Law, to be specific).

Related questions

What does the brake pedal assembly uses a mechanical lever for?

Increase the driver's force on the brake pedal applied to the master cylinder

Why is a brake pedal a second class lever?

A brake pedal is a second class lever because the effort force (your foot pressing on the pedal) is located farther away from the fulcrum (pivot point) than the resistance force (brake mechanism). This configuration allows for greater force to be applied to stop the vehicle effectively.

Does a car's brake system multiply the force of the driver's tap on the brake pedal?

Yes. Most cars have a hydraulic braking system that uses a vacuum servo (or booster). It is a mechanical device between the brake pedal and the master cylinder piston. The booster uses the engine's manifold vacuum to amplify the force applied from the brake pedal.

True or false a car's brake system multiplies the force of the driver's tap on the brake pedal?


Why is it important to check your brake fluid?

Your brake fluid is how the brake system converts mechanical force of your foot on the brake pedal, into hydraulic force that applies your brakes. Without fluid, your hydraulic brakes will not function.

If you start to skid should you apply a quick pumping motion to your brakes if you have anti lock?

False. If you have anti-lock brakes, just press firmly on your brake pedal and the computer will take over. Do not pump the brake pedal.

Is it true that a car's break system multiples the force of the driver's tap on the brake pedal?


Where is the switch under the brake pedal you cant find it?

It is above the brake pedal not under it. Follow the brake pedal bracket all the way up and you will see the brake pedal switch.

If you start to skid you should apply a quick pumping motion to your brakes if you have anti-lock brakes.?

False. If you have anti-lock brakes, just press firmly on your brake pedal and the computer will take over. Do not pump the brake pedal.

If you start to skid you should apply a quick pumping motion to your brakes if you have anti-lock brakes?

False. If you have anti-lock brakes, just press firmly on your brake pedal and the computer will take over. Do not pump the brake pedal.

Where is the brake light switch on a 93 Dakota?

Just above the brake pedal, on the mounting bracket that the pedal pivots on.Just above the brake pedal, on the mounting bracket that the pedal pivots on.

How can a force produce motion on a bicycle?

Pushing down on the pedal will cause the bike to move forward.