

What forces do you use every day?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What forces do you use every day?
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Gravity :) Jump into the air every day, tell me if gravity is present.

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You probably use metric and imperial in your every day life.

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When do you use do or does in a sentence?

The conjugation of the verb to do only uses the form "does" for the third-person singular, present tense. That is, for a singular noun or the pronouns he, she, or it. All other present tense forms use "do".Examples:I wish that I could do it just the way that he does it.I do it every day. You do it every day. We do it every day. They do it every day.But he also does it every day, she does it every day, and even her dog does it every day. (We all breathe.)

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all animals use friction every single day! when they swim, walk, run etc etc

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cell phones, the internet, and electricity every day,