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a noble gas.

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Q: What form do you get when sodium reacts with nonmetal chlorine?
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What element reacts with chlorine to form an ionic compound?

Sodium (Na) reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride (NaCl), which is an ionic substance

Is sodium and chlorine pair form ionic bond?

Yes. It is because Sodium is a metal and Chlorine is a nonmetal and all metal-nonmetal bonds are ionic. This compound is common table salt.

Sodium metal can react with the nonmetal chlorine to form what?

NaCl, which is table salt.

How many electrons in sodium chlorine molecule?

Sodium reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride which is an ionic compound. It has a crystalline structure and has no molecules.

Why the term molecule is appropriate for hydrogen chloride but not for sodium chloride?

Hydrogen and chlorine are both nonmetals, and nonmetals form molecular compounds when bonded together. Sodium is a metal and chlorine is a nonmetal, and a metal and a nonmetal form an ionic compound.

When sodium metal reacts with chlorine gas to form sodium chloride what will each sodium atom do?

what does sodium metal and choline gas react to form

Is A 12.8- sample of sodium completely reacts with 19.6 of chlorine to form 32.4 of sodium chloride?


Sodium metal in chlorine gas releases energy is it a physical property?

No this is a chemical change- sodium reacts with chlorine gas to form sodium chloride and a lot of heat.

What is the balance of chlorine gas reacts with sodium and produce sodium chlorine?

The balanced equation for the reaction between chlorine gas and sodium to form sodium chloride is 2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl. This means that for every 2 moles of sodium (Na), one mole of chlorine gas (Cl2) reacts to form 2 moles of sodium chloride (NaCl).

What is the sodium that reacts with chlorine by giving its outermost electron to chlorine?

the sodium (Na) atom gives its single outermose electron to chlorine to form two ions of different charge.

Sodium metal can react with the nonmetal chlorine to form?

An ionic compound (of a type called a salt) with the name sodium chloride and formula NaCl.

Does energy release in a sodium and chlorine reaction?

Yes. When sodium reacts with chlorine large amounts of energy are released in the form of light. The reaction even produces a flame.