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Q: What forms of coal has the highest carbon content?
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What is the type of coal that contains the highest carbon content?


As coal forms how does its carbon content change?

It compacts and increases as moisture and volatile hydrocarbons are driven off. Coal has a carbon content between 75 and 90 % , lignite (brown coal) hasn't completed the transformation and contains more moisture and nitrogen than bituminous or anthracite coals. Lignite has about 30 to 40% carbon content.

Why do certain types of coal give off more carbon dioxide than other types of coal?

Coal is not all the same. Different coals have different amounts of carbon, Bituminous, or soft coals have the highest percentage of carbon, up to almost 90%, Anthracite or hard coals have close to 80% carbon content, and lignite, brown coals have about 40% carbon content. Carbon content is what determines how much CO2 is produced by coal's combustion.

What is the difference between fixed carbon and total carbon in coal?

fixed carbon is carbon content of the coal/biomass which is not easily decomposed or combusted at lower temperatures(>200 c), and total carbon content of coal/biomass is volatile carbon present in form of other hydrocarbons forms like volatile organic compounds, etc.. which easily combusted at little higher temperatures (>50 c)

Why is carbon content important in the burning of coal?

The higher the carbon content, the better the quality of the coal. In any piece of coal, whatever isn't carbon is logically something else - usually sulfur compounds (that's pollution when the coal is burned).

Which variety of coal contains the highest percentage of carbon?

Anthracite Coal

Which element forms both coal and diamonds?

The element that forms both coal and diamond is Carbon.

Which type of coal contains highest percentage of carbon?

Anthracite coal has the highest percentage of carbon among the different types of coal.

What are the 3 pure forms of carbon?

The 3 pure forms of carbon are coal graphite and diamond

Which coal is of highest quality?

anthracite about 90% carbon

What element is found in coal or diamonds?

Coal and diamonds are both forms of carbon.

What chemical forms coal?

The principal component is carbon.