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Q: What forms of energy can water be made into?
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Is hydro energy made by flowing water?

Hydro-electric energy can be created in many ways, but all forms of energy require the spinning of a turbine to generate electricity.

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Who made energy and power?

energy and power are not made they are converted into other forms of energy or stored as chemical bond

What forms of energy can be released when a compound is made?

Primarily thermal energy.

What the forms of energy?

sun energy , water enegy, wind energy, energy of fossils an energy from food are the different kinds of energy.

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What energy forms is the sum of kinetic energy and all forms of potential energy?

What you stated is true for an OBJECT. The energy contained in the 'Substance' that the Object is made of includes its "Atomic Energy", and its Chemical Energy.

What forms of energy can electricity be made into?

Electricity can be converted into just about any other type of energy.

What is one of the forms of energy that drives the displacement of water in waves?


What forms of energy can you observe as the candle burns?

Water(H2O), Carbon Dioxide(CO2), and Heat Energy

Wind and water energy are bothin direct forms of what kind of energy?

Kinetic Energy (basically any form of movement is Kinetic energy)

Why can both wind energy and water energy be considered indirect forms of solar energy?

all energy on Earth ultimately comes from the sun.