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the most fossil fuel that humans use is the solid fossil fuel. and it is coal

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1mo ago

The fossil fuel that humans use most is oil (petroleum). It is primarily used for transportation, electricity generation, heating, and manufacturing. Oil is a versatile energy source that plays a key role in the global economy.

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Q: What fossil fuel do humans use most?
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That means that humans might use solar energy instead of fossil fuel.

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Petrol (gasoline) and diesel are types of fossil fuel, and most cars use one of those.

Is petroleum man made?

No, petroleum is a naturally occurring fossil fuel formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals buried deep underground. While humans extract and refine petroleum for use, it is not man-made.

Is it true that in the US you use fossil fuels for most of your electric energy?

Coal is the main fuel for electricity.

How is fossil fuel oil used by humans?

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