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Q: What four letter word that meaning Oxidized iron?
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What is a four-letter word meaning smooth fabric?

You iron to smooth fabric.

When electroplating sliver on iron what is oxidized?

The iron is oxidized and the silver is reduced.

What is the symbol for oxidized iron?


Is metal corroding chemical change?

Yes. When metal rusts the iron is changed into iron oxide. This type of change is called a redox reaction. The iron is oxidized, meaning is has lost electrons.

What element is oxidized in this reaction FeO CO--Fe CO2?

Iron (Fe) is oxidized in this reaction. It goes from an oxidation state of +2 in FeO to +4 in FeCO2.

How is iron affected by rain?

Iron oxide (rust) forms as the iron is oxidized.

What is rust and why does it happen?

Rust is oxidized iron.

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Why is iron oxidized?

its red because of oxygen is getting in to in

What is a four letter word for enameled metal?

iron Tole

What is a four letter word for smooth?

even calm iron

What are the four letter metals?

zinc, iron, gold, lead