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Approx 0.9 of an iceberg is submerged.

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90% or 9/10

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Q: What fraction of an iceberge is underwater?
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Where from iceberge come?

They break off from the end of a glacier

How did the iceberge make the Titanic sank?

It ripped a gash in the hull.

What fraction of an iceberg is under water?

Nine tenths (9/10) of an iceberg is underwater.

What fraction of iceberge is below the water line?

Approximately 9/10 of an iceberg is below the water. The figure is approximate because the density of the berg depends on how must the ice is compacted and how much air it contains. It also depends on the density of the seawater which, in turn, depends on its salinity and temperature.

What is an iceburg?

An iceberge is a ice that is very large and very cold, that if you touch it, you could freeze to death. This is very dangerous for the people that are travelling on sea/ocean. It has a sharp corner and somethimes has holes in the middle. An iceberge is a large amount of ice that has transformed into one huge massive ice that freezes the sea and it is very dangerous to people travilling.. It is the biggest ice berge in the world. You can get sick or die if you dare go near it. So stay away from iceberge..

What fraction of a ice berg is underwater?

The part below water is 7 times larger than the part above

What fraction of on iceberg is under water?

Typically, about 90% of an iceberg is underwater, while only about 10% is visible above the surface. This is because ice is less dense than seawater, causing most of the iceberg to remain submerged.

What is an underwater camera?

An underwater camera, is a camera that works underwater.

Can dolphins swim faster than the speed of sound?

No - no animal can currently exceed the speed of sound in water. The speed of sound in water is 1,484 m/s (3320 mph). Dolphins and porpoises can swim from 19-54 mph (8-24 m/s). Not even the fastest underwater man-made projectiles can sustain the speed of sound in water for more than a fraction of a second due to the effects of friction. The closest you can get is underwater explosives that create an underwater shock wave and can move some of their exploding mass at supersonic speed for a fraction of a second.

What are 3 underwater names that can cause tsunamis?

Underwater landslides, Underwater volcanic eruptions, and Underwater earthquakes

Where is the underwater cave?


Is the word underwater an adjective?

Yes. Underwater can be used as an adjective and an adverb. adjective: underwater expedition adverb: swim underwater