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Q: What fraction of this solar energy is intercepted by Earth?
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What happens to the solar winds that reach the Earth?

They are intercepted by Earth's magnetic field.

What is intercepted solar?

intercepted solar or intercepted insolation are part of the sun rays or power that was prevented to reaching solar panel on earth surface, a) dust b) humidity c) cloud d) rain. these factors either disperse or absorb the solar insolation thereby intercepting it reaching the earth surface or the panel.

Intercepted solar radiation is called?

Insolation is intercepted solar radiation.

What quiestions are there about solar energy?

A question about solar energy could be: what is solar energy?: what does solar energy do?:does solar energy do anything for the earth/planet?

What is the name of solar energy that is reflected by earth?

It is called "The solar energy reflected by earth".

What are the edvantages of solar energy?

Solar energy is inexhaustible. Solar energy is not pollution. Solar energy can be used anywhere on Earth.

What is the external energy of the earth?

solar energy

What parts of the world would you get solar energy from?

Solar energy is from the sun not the earth.

What percent of earth's energy is solar?

Almost 100%. Energy that is not solar is due to the high temperature inside earth.

What does solar energy provide for Earth?

Solar Power