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No French word comes from the noun Vermont - but the name Vermont seems to come from the French vert+mont i.e. green mount.

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Q: What french words come from the word Vermont?
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What French words are combined to mean the word Vermont?

The French words vert, meaning green, and mont, meaning mountain, are combined to make the state name Vermont. And Vermont means green mountain.

What does the French word Vermont mean?

in french vermont means green mountains

What is the origin of the name of Vermont?

The name Vermont originates from two French words, vertand montagne. The first word means green and the second mountain. They were combined to form Vermont, hence the state's nickname: Green Mountains. (You may wish to check the spelling of the first word!)

What state comes from two French words that mean green and mountain what is your one word name?

Vermont. In french, vert=green, mont=mount, montagne=mountain.

How did Vermont got its name Vermont?

From the French word "vert" and "mont" meaning "These Green Mountains"

Is the capital of Vermont two words or one?

The capital of Vermont is Montpelier - one word.

What is French for 'fete' or 'gala'?

Both words actually come from French.The word for fete is the same in French: fête

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The French word is "photographie", word which was created to mean "writing with the light" from two Greek words "photo" meaning light and "graphein" meaning to write.

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the french word is "avoir"

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The English word seems to come not from French, but from Portuguese bufalo. The French word for buffalo is "buffle" (masc.) which has the same Latin origin as the Portuguese word.

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The word restaurant come from French.

Where did pardon your french come from?

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