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No fruits make anyone tall, but eating things containing calcium would make you tall. Things containing calcium are milk, yogurt, and dairy products could make you tall, but has a lot of fat in them.

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Q: What fruits make you tall?
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What make us become tall?

1.Sleep a lot. 2.Exersice a lot. 3.Drink a lot of Milk. 4.Eat a lot of veggies and fruits. That is how you can grow tall and strong.

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He eats lots of fruits and vegetables.

Do fruits and vegetables make you tall?

well im 11 and i eat a lot of veg and im 5 feet tall so yes i gess

What do fruits have that make them healthy?

Fruits have lot of vitamins. They have lot of minerals including the potassium. Fruits have lot of fibers in them.

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it is not made up of 2 fruits

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Eating fruits will not make your breasts larger.

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No fruits were combined to make the kiwifruit. The fruit is grown on a vine and is indigenous to southeast Asia.

How can you increase your height if you are a teenagers?

You will only grow as tall as your genetics allow. However, to make sure you actually get this tall you need to have a good diet. LOTS of protein, that's meat, fish and nuts. Also you want to eat lots of fresh vegetable and fruits.

What is another term for produce?

Do you mean "produce" as in "to make" or "produce" as in fruits and vegetables? Produce as in "to make": Make, form, create. Produce as in fruits and vegetables: fruits and vegetables...can't think of anything else...

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Fruits have sugars that our bodies need to much can make us sick

Can trees make seeds?

no, it can not but in one way that they provide us fruits and in fruits we have seeds

How do you make colors from fruits?

you cant