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Phosphate Group Functional Properties

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The carboxyl group (-COO-) contributes a negative charge by deprotonating to form a carboxylate ion (-COO-). This functional group is commonly found in amino acids and fatty acids.

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Q: What functional group contributes a negative charge?
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What functional group contributes negative charge?

anything with lone pairs, or things like alcohols and carboxyllic acids

Why is polar convalent bonds important?

the higher the polarity on a functional group, the more reactive it is. If a functional group is non-polar, it doesn't react with anything without a LOT of energy.For example: a hydrophobic functional group would avoid water at all cost, because it is non-polar, whereas water is polar. Try not to think of this as a "likes repel" sort of thing, but rather that a non-polar functional group is one that has no charge on it, and a polar group has a (+) or (-) charge. While it is true that two (+)'s will repel each other, if there is a (+) functional group, there is likely a (-) one on the other side, which would cause the molecule to flip around and bond that way.Essentially, polarity of a functional group functions as the + or - charge used to bond to the opposite charge of another molecule/functional group.

At Ph 10 what charge would Zwitterion ion have?

At pH 10, the zwitterion would have a net negative charge because the pH is higher than its isoelectric point (pI). The amino group would be deprotonated and have a negative charge, while the carboxyl group would still be protonated and neutral.

A ketone bears a negative charge on what atom of the carbonyl group?

The carbon atom in the carbonyl group of a ketone does not bear a negative charge. The oxygen atom in the carbonyl group of a ketone bears a partial negative charge due to its higher electronegativity compared to carbon.

Organice compounds that have a negative Oxygen Hydrogen functional group?

Organic compounds with an oxygen hydrogen functional group are either alcohols or carboxylic acids

What functional group causes a molecule of citric acid to be acidic?

The carboxylic acid functional group (-COOH) is what causes citric acid to be acidic. This group can donate a proton, which contributes to the acidity of the molecule.

Are ketones basic?

I think ketones are slightly basic due to the resonance of the doule bond in the carbonyl functional group. This will leave a negative charge on the oxygen making it capable of acting as a weak Lewis base.

Which part of a dna nucleotide contains a negative charge?

The DNA nucleotide consists of three parts: a phosphate group, a 5-carbon sugar, and a nitrogenous base. The portion of the nucleotide that contains a negative charge is the phosphate group.

What is a group of atoms with with a positive or negative charge?

A group of atoms with a positive or negative charge is called an ion. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons. Positive ions are called cations, while negative ions are called anions.

Which charge is the DNA attracted to?

Since DNA has a phosphate group it has a negative charge and so it is attracted by a positive charge.

Do glycerol heads have a positive or negative charge?

The glycerol heads in phospholipids are neutral and do not have a positive or negative charge. The charge on a phospholipid molecule is predominantly determined by the phosphate group located on the glycerol backbone.

What is the CH3CH2CH2-NH2 functional group?

The functional group is the NH2. It is an amino functional group.