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Peroxisomes isolate particular chemical activities from the rest of the cell. Peroxisomes are a type of microbody that helps the body break down large molecules and detoxify hazardous substances.

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1w ago

Organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and peroxisomes help isolate particular chemical activities from the rest of the cell by compartmentalizing specific reactions and processes. These organelles provide specialized environments for various biochemical reactions to occur efficiently and without interfering with other cellular functions.

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Q: What functions isolate particular chemical activities from the rest of the cell?
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How do you separate a chemical compound from its base?

To separate a chemical compound from its base, you can use techniques such as acid-base extraction, precipitation, or chromatography. These methods involve exploiting differences in chemical properties or solubility between the compound and the base to isolate the desired compound.

What is the need of ice cold water in chemical kinetics experiment?

Ice cold water is typically used in chemical kinetics experiments to slow down or stop a reaction. By lowering the temperature of the reaction mixture, the rate of reaction decreases, making it easier to study the progress of the reaction over time. This is particularly useful when studying fast reactions or when trying to isolate intermediate products in a reaction pathway.

How can substances in a compound be separated?

Substances in a compound can be separated through various methods such as filtration, distillation, chromatography, and evaporation. These methods exploit differences in physical and chemical properties of the substances to isolate them from each other.

What a compound can be sperated by?

Compounds can be separated by various methods such as distillation, chromatography, filtration, and evaporation based on their physical and chemical properties. These techniques exploit differences in boiling points, solubility, size, or chemical reactivity to isolate individual components from a mixture.

What the chemical formula for germanium and sulfur?

Ge is Germanium, S is Sulfur, Germanium (di)sulfide is GeS2Germanium disulfide refers to the chemical compound with the formula GeS2. It is a colourless white crystalline material, which melts at roughly 800 °C.Germanium sulfide was the first germanium compound found by Clemens Winkler during the analysis of argyrodite. The fact that germanium sulfide is not soluble in acidic water made it possible for Winkler to isolate the new element from the other elements.

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You can use functions fgets and strtok.

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What is the noun form of isolated?

The word 'isolated' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to isolate. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.The noun forms of the verb to isolate are isolation and the gerund, isolating.

Why isolate pathogen?

Isolation of pathogen is done in order to identify its physical and chemical properties, and also to use this in pathogenicity test..

Is isolate a noun or verb?

isolate is a Verb... It is an action.

Is chemical a method used to separate mixtures?

Yes, chemical methods can be used to separate mixtures by utilizing differences in the chemical properties of the components. Techniques like precipitation, distillation, and chromatography rely on chemical principles to isolate and separate substances in a mixture.

How do isolate a particular section of DNA in a eukaryotic cell?

Through the process called hybridization. Two DNA fragments know that they have found their complementary sequence when they coalesce to form hybrid strands.

Can you write a sentence for isolate?

"The teacher wanted to isolate the girl from the rest of the class."

Is it possible to isolate DNA from bone?

Yes it is possible to isolate DNA from bone.