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The democrats did make gains in the 1948 elections by supporting the civil rights in general and the universal suffrage.

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Q: What gains did Democrats make in the 1948 election?
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By calling attention to the problems of government and high taxes in the late 1800'sthe democrats hoped to make who look bad?


How many men are democrats in the US congress?

About half would be a good guess. "Registered" means different things in different states. And the United States is made up of 50 states and each one of those states has it's own laws on how parties and primaries and registration are run. In the 2012 National Presidential Election President Barack Obama received 49% of the males voting and 56% of the females voting. But that doesn't really suggest the make-up of 'registered' Democrats because lots of people who were Republican or Independent voted for Obama in the 2012 election. A "National Democratic Party" or a "National Republican Party" is a misnomer in many regards. Those entities are made up of the representative of all of the state political parties. And although they both maintain rules and regulations and enforce them all of the rules are a creation of what the state parties want or don't want. Registration is a function of the state law you are in. Registration is viewed differently in each state.

What is the democratic party's purpose?

The purpose of democrats is to protect its people, and help people of the lower class, provide freedom, and make equality between everyone.

Do democrats want big or small government?

That is a very good question. Democrats want government to serve the people. Democrats want government to solve problems. Democrats do not hate government; they understand that government has a purpose. At the same time they are not spend thrifts. The recognize the value of tax dollars and they understand that programs must be continued only if they are cost effective and do an important job. To believe that government should be smaller merely because you believe government should be smaller is thought by jingoism. People who do not like government make poor governors.

What do Democrats say about abortions?

We should avoid them whenever possible, however the Government has no right to limit the ability of a woman to have one. Always consider other options, but if that's your decision, it's yours to make.

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What did the democrats to even though Democrats made gains in the 1948 election?

The democrats did make gains in the 1948 elections by supporting the civil rights in general and the universal suffrage.

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Even though it may seem like minor parties don't have much of an effect on politics and elections, minor parties can actually make enough difference to change an election. Minor parties rarely win elections but are actually necessary to politics. The small amount of people that vote for minor parties could potentially cost enough for a major party to lose an election to the other major party. For example: If an election is 50/50 between Democratic and the Republican parties and 10 percent of the Democrats decide to vote for a minor party it would cost the Democrats the election. Hope this makes sense! Good luck!

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The South made great gains in the cotton industries.

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The South made great gains in the cotton industries.

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Make Mine Freedom - 1948 was released on: USA: 25 February 1948

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