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Heart has two sides (4chambers) separated by a septum.One side it collects the impure blood ie from all the parts of our body and pumps it to lungs. At lungs through alveoli the co2 diffuses out and oxygen enters the blood. this pure blood (oxygenated blood) enters the other side of heart from where it is pumped to all body parts AND cycle continues.

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the gas the body needs for the lungs and you to breathe is oxygen

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The blood carries carbon dioxide or CO2 as it moves from the heart to the lungs.

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Q: What gas does the body need for the heart and lungs?
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What do you use to breath the lungs or the heart?

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A gas that is transported in arteries from the lungs to the rest of the body via the heart?


What gas is transported in the arteries from the lungs to the rest of the body via the heart?


What is the gas that is transported in the arterys from the lungs to the rest of the body via heart?


What is a gas that is transported in the arteries from the lungs to the rest of the body via the heart?


A whaste gas that is transported in veins from the body to the lungs via the heart?

Carbon Dioxide

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The lungs hold air that is breathed in. Oxygen gas in the air moves into the blood. The heart pumps to transports this oxygenated blood to cells in the body that need it to produce energy.

A gas that is transported in arteries from the lungs to the body by the heart?

The pulmonary artery takes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the heart to the lungs. Oxygen is then carried back to the heart by the pulmonary vein. Finally, the aorta/arteries carry oxygen to the body.

A waste gas that is transported in the veins from the body to the lungs via the heart?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

A waste gas that is transported in vein from the body to the lungs via the heart?

It's referred to as Carbon dioxide. It is the main cellular waste product that is carried in the blood to the lungs through the heart.

What gas is needed to stay alive?

The gas you need to stay alive is Oxygen, you need oxygen to carry vital functions of body, when you inhale oxygen, its goes directly into the lungs and through alveolis, which are present in lungs oxygen get absorbed into blood which is then taken to heart and heart pumps the blood to each and every part and organ of the body, so like this your body works.