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Q: What gas is vital for humans?
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Photosynthesis is important to plants, animals, and humans! So no. It's most vital to plants.

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It provides us with vital resources to survive on

What is the physical description of oxygen?

A Clear Gas That Is Vital For Our Survival

How can humans affect gas?

humans can affect gas as the us to much off it

What is the skin for?

For humans, basically skin is for protection of vital organs and the skeletal system.

Which gas is essential for humans?

Oxygen is essential to humans. We breathe it in.

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Why can cows survive on gas but humans cant?

Cows can't survive on gas alone. Neither can humans. Both cows and humans need food and water to survive, not just oxygen (which is a gas we breathe).

What gas in air is vital for respiration?

The famous O2, best known by oxygen.

What iype of gas do humans need to breath?

Oxygen is the gas humans and animals need to breathe in.

The humans vital organs are protected by what the flat bones the short bones irregular bones?

The ribs.

How is gas used by humans?
