

What gas puts out a flame?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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15y ago

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CO2(carbon Dioxide)

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Q: What gas puts out a flame?
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Which gas puts out a burning taper with a pop?

Carbon dioxide gas puts out a burning taper with a pop because it displaces oxygen in the air, which is necessary for combustion to occur. When the levels of oxygen around the flame are reduced by the carbon dioxide, the flame is extinguished with a popping sound.

How does a gas furnace pilot flame stay burning?

A gas furnace pilot flame stays burning by receiving a constant flow of gas from the pilot light assembly. The pilot light assembly contains a thermocouple that detects the presence of the pilot flame. If the flame goes out, the thermocouple signals the gas valve to shut off, preventing any gas leaks.

How you check if bubbles of a gas are hydrogen or carbon dioxide?

Collect the gas bubbles and try to ignite the gas. If it burns with a pop, it's hydrogen. If it puts the flame out it's carbon dioxide.

A scientist puts two substances over a gas flame to see what color flames are produced Why might he be doing this?

He is identifying compounds.

Why do gas ovens have the flame at the bottom?

Heat from the flame rises. The stuff below the flame would not be heated. The flame draws combustion air from beneath, by convection. Anything below the flame gets cooled. It's why one puts the kindling paper and wood shavings below the fireplace logs.

How do you change from a safety flame to a roaring flame?

To change from a safety flame to a roaring flame on a gas stove, increase the gas flow by turning the knob clockwise to allow more gas to feed into the burner. Then, use a long match or a gas lighter to ignite the gas. Adjust the knob to regulate the flame size to achieve the desired roaring flame.

What is the main of flame trap?

A device that prevents a gas flame from entering the supply pipe.A device that prevents a gas flame from entering the supply pipe.

What is the coolest flame on a Bunsen burner a spirit flame or a gas flame?

The external part of the flame is the coolest.

What kind of flame is the pilot light of a gas stove?

a complete flame or a blue flame

What type of flame will make gas explode?

The type of flame is just a normal flame

Why do you not check gas leaks with a naked flame?

Checking for gas leaks with a naked flame is dangerous because if there is a gas leak present, the flame can ignite the gas causing an explosion. It is safer to use a gas detector or soapy water to check for gas leaks.

What does the flame in a gas cooker go out when you turn the gas off?

The flame goes out because you turned it off.