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I believe the guage Marcus uses is 45, 65, 80, 105.

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Q: What gauge are Marcus miller's bass strings?
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How do electric bass strings compare to upright bass strings?

Well, for one, string bass strings are a lot longer than electric bass strings. I wouldn't recommend putting string bass strings on an electric bass and vice versa.

How many strings are on a normal bass?

their are usually four strings on a normal bass guitar

How many strings does a upright bass have?

Some electric bass guitars have more strings, but an upright bass traditionally has 4.

Which bass strings are good for a tobias growler bass guitar?

As I posted in your question about Ernie Ball bass strings, It's all a matter of opinion on bass strings. Try some different strings out, or ask around other Gibson players.

What is the thickest string on the bass guitar?

an ordinary bass guitar has 4 strings,the thickest being the E string,the thickness of this string depends on the players prefrence,if youll be downtuning a lot then a heavier string is the best option to help stop strings buzzing too much,it all depends on the style you play and personal prefrence,i use medium gauge strings so the E string is 0.105 inches thick,but depending on the gauge of the strings you buy it will be diffrent If you play a 5 string bass the thickest string will be the B string,again the medium gauge thickenss of these strings is 0.125 for 7 string basses and above im not sure since ive never had the chance to play them e string or if you have a 5 string bass it will be a b string

Why are your bass strings hard?

the bass strings have to be thicker than guitar strings because a string needs to be thicker to accomodate more bass. This could make it seem like theyre "hard"

How any strings are on a guitar?

A normal Acoustic/Electric guitar has 6 strings, and a normal bass guitar has 4 strings. There are also guitars with more strings, i.e. a bass guitar with 5 strings.

What type of strings did jaco pastorius use?

bass strings

How many strings has a common bass guitar?

five, or six strings. The four string bass by far the most common

Do acoustic basses need different strings?

Yes, there are special acoustic bass guitar strings for acoustic bass guitars.

Does the ukulele have the same four strings as the bass guitar?

The double bass is much like the string bass, but it is also known as an upright bass, and commonly used in symphonies. It can be played with fingers, (pizzicato) but is usually played with a bow, like a violin. It looks like a big violin, and is played with the bottom of it, (opposite of where you tune the strings) at your feet, and the top around where your head is, while you are sitting down.

What kind of strings did cliff Burton use?

i heard he used roto-sound bass strings but idk I've been lookin. Yes, Cliff Burton (RIP) used the Rotosound Swing Bass 66 - LB - 35-90 LIGHT GAUGE and also the FUNKMASTER BASS STRINGS all available from Rotosound .The light gauge permiy him to make bendings and all the stuff just like seen on FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS LIVE 85 VIDEO from Cliff Em All. REST IN PEACE CLIFFORD LEE BURTON - 1962-1986