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Q: What gene controlls the hair color and height?
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What are some examples of multi-gene traits?

Height, skin color, eye color, and human blood type are examples of multi-gene traits. These characteristics are influenced by the combined effects of multiple genes working together.

To have blond hair do both of your genes have to be for blond hair?

Not necessarily. Hair color is determined by multiple genes, so it is possible for someone to have blond hair even if not all their genes code for blond hair. Other factors, such as gene expression and the interaction of different genes, can also influence hair color.

What determines how tall you grow and whether your hair is curly or straight?

The gene on your chromosomes will determine your height, color of your eyes, blood type, hair texture, size of your feet and your finger prints among many others.

What determines how tall you grow whether your hair is curly or straight?

The gene on your chromosomes will determine your height, color of your eyes, blood type, hair texture, size of your feet and your finger prints among many others.

What does it mean when hair color is polygenic?

When hair color is polygenic, it means its color is influenced by more than one gene. Polygenes are nonallelic genes.

Does your height depend on the color of you hair?

No, hair loses a material that makes hair colored

What does the outward expression of a gene mean?

Genes can produce visible body types, for example, hair color, eye color, height, skin color, and various other things. Most genes do not have such an easily observable result, but if there is any observable result at all, even one that you would have to observe with a microscope, then that is the outward expression of that gene.

What hair color is most common?

Brown because it is a dominant gene

Characteristics such as hair color and height are called?

Those characteristics are called physical attributes. They describe a person's appearance and can vary widely among individuals.

One human trait that is determined by multiple alleles?

Human Height. It is also influenced by nutrition.

Does the red hair color have to be in the father side for the child to have red hair if the mothers side has that hair gene color?

You've basically answered your own question here. No, the red hair gene needn't be on the fathers side, since the mother already has it. The chances become greater if dad has that gene for the child to have red hair, but if the mothers side has the gene, then there is a 1/4 chance it will have red. If dad has it, then more than likely the child will have red hair.

If your hair is black and you carry the brown hair gene and your mates hair is brown what color hair will your children have?

Hair color genetics are complicated. Your child could actually have any color hair, from blond (less likely) to brown or black (more likely).