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Q: What general direction did south Africa drift away from pangaea?
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What are some main facts about pangaea?

Pangaea was a supercontinent that all continents are close to each other and they where separated after 200 million years ago and started to drift in any direction in the world

What effect did the continental drift have on Pangaea?

Continental drift caused Pangaea, the supercontinent, to break apart into separate landmasses over millions of years. This movement resulted in the creation of the continents we know today and influenced the formation of oceans and mountain ranges.

What caused pangaea to separte?

Continental Drift caused pangaea to seperate.

Is Pangaea theory true?

Yes, the theory of Pangaea is supported by geological evidence which shows that the Earth's landmasses were once connected in a supercontinent about 335 million years ago. The idea is widely accepted in the scientific community as a plausible explanation for the arrangement of continents on Earth.

When did the continental drift of Pangaea occur?


What effect did continental drift have on pangaea?

Continental drift caused Pangaea, the supercontinent, to break apart over millions of years, leading to the formation of separate continents as we know them today. The movement of the continents due to plate tectonics continues to influence Earth's geology, climate, and biodiversity.

What are the stages of the breakup of pangaea?

The Continental drift

Alfred wegener developed a theory known as continental drift explain the theory?

Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift proposed that continents were once joined together in a single landmass called Pangaea, which gradually drifted apart over time. He suggested that the continents moved due to the process of plate tectonics, where the Earth's crust is divided into several large plates that float and move on the semi-fluid mantle beneath them. Wegener's theory was later supported and developed into the modern theory of plate tectonics.

What is another name for the Pangaea theory?

continental drift

What natural forces affected the changes to Pangaea?

Continental Drift

When did pangaea drift apart?

According to the theory of continental drift, Pangaea drifted apart when the plates under the crust gradually drifted apart. This process happened over a matter of years.

What is the theory of pangaea called?

The theory of Pangaea is called the continental drift theory. It proposes that Earth's continents were once joined together in a single large landmass that later broke apart and drifted into their current positions.