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In the Ballet version, the fairies present their gifts of beauty, grace, generosity, song, and temperament, they are interrupted by the arrival of the witch. Luckily the blue fairy has yet to give her present. She declares that although Aurora will prick her finger she will not die. Instead she will fall into a deep sleep from which she will be awoken by the kiss of a prince.

In the version by Disney, she is given beauty and song, the third gift was altered to change Malificent's curse.

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14y ago
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13y ago

I think is was just because they were friends of the King and Queen and cared about Aurora, either that or they were appointed to care for her by the King and Queen, but I'm pretty sure its just because they wanted to help her.

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14y ago

Beauty and Song, the third was altered to change Malificent's curse

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12y ago

Beauty, musical talent, and for true love's kiss to break Maleficent's curse on Aurora.

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12y ago

In the Disney version of the story, they called her Briar Rose.

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4y ago

gift of song, Gift of buety and protecting her from the weel

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Q: What gifts do the three good faries give in Sleeping Beauty?
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